Montag, 19. April 2010


Crochet - quick and easy. The pattern is from Ravelry.


Mittwoch, 14. April 2010

Dishcloth Pinky

Finished the next pair of dishclothes:

I call them pinky - due to the main colour.
Size: 21 x 21 cm

11.4. - 13.4. 2010

Montag, 12. April 2010

Top Candy

It took me far to long to finalise this simple Top.


Source: ONLine Spring/Summer 2009, Modell #6
Yarn: ONLine 134 Candy in orange, 100% Cotton

Difficult to knit - the yarn was splitting up.
Had to lengthen the carriers in order to make it fit and long enough.
It took me far too long to get the rings - I finally took 2 wooden rings with 30 mm instead of 36.

Freitag, 9. April 2010

Pattern on Ravelry

I published the first wo patterns on ravelry - for free.
Designer name: Arwen8 Designs
Pattern #1: Dishcloth 3 col 'on the edge'
Pattern #2: Dishcloth on the edge.

They have already been downloaded a lot. Wow. I did not expect that.

Ich habe die ersten 2 Anleitungen auf Ravelry veröffentlicht.
Sie wurden schon fleißig heruntergeladen. Das hätte ich nicht gedacht.

Donnerstag, 8. April 2010

Dishcloth in orange, green and white

April 5 to April 8

Another pair of potholders is done.

Just one row of orange, green and white after the other. I always continues where the yarn was. The edging is not well enough. I add it to Dawanda.

Montag, 5. April 2010

The Easter weekend

I had a busy easter weekend seeing the family in Berlin - but I did have time to work and finish two pairs of dishclothes:

I also finished the spiral skirt which I gave as a present.

I bought the pattern for the skirt on ravelry.
Ich war fleißig über Ostern: 2 Paar Topflappen und der Spiral Rock aus Ravelry.